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Policy Work

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We champion the contribution health workers are making to the development of our societies. Wherever they are, whoever they are.

Our emphasis

Thought leadership drawing on the insights we gain through our programme and grants management work. See for example, our guest editorship of a series of articles in the on-line journal Globalization and Health.

Positive engagement of the current UK government policy, UK aid: tackling global challenges in the national interest. For example:

  • Our report In our mutual interest examined the opportunities and challenges associated with the partnership approach.
  • In our discussion paper, The Transition from Aid, we make the case that the need for UK engagement in middle-income countries (MICs) remains pressing, with commercial opportunities growing as economies do, but with aid still vital in some contexts.

Our ambition

We will continue to use our unique positioning to occupy policy spaces that we feel can maximise our impact, especially on UK government policy.

Explore our Policy pages to find out how we support our vision:


EVIDENCE BRIEF: Improving diaspora engagement for health workforce and health systems strengthening in Kenya, Ghana, and the UK: preliminary findings

We carried out a three-part study consisting of an exploratory scoping review of literature on the role of diaspora health workers in bidirectional health systems strengthening;

Click here to read the full report.

Advancing Universal Health Coverage through Health Partnerships

This report aims to demonstrate how Health Partnerships can be a force for advancing the UK’s domestic and global health priorities, while supporting progress towards UHC, through modern, genuine partnerships built on trust and mutual respect.

Read full report.

Click here to read the short version of the report.

Celebrating the Voices of the Experts in Our Midst

Storytelling is at the heart of all this work, with a focus on platforming diaspora perspectives from across the NHS. Central to this initiative was THET’s Diaspora Staff and Global Health survey, which received 685 responses. Designed to capture the knowledge of overseas health systems and understand how this knowledge is being applied to health at home in the UK, and at home in countries of heritage, THET’s survey data has been coupled with comprehensive focus groups and interviews which are a centrepiece of the “Voices of the Experts in Our Midst” report, launching December 2023 in England and January 2024 in Wales.

Click here to read the England ‘Voices of the Experts In Our Midst’ report.

Click here to read the Welsh ‘Voices of the Experts In Our Midst’ report (English language).

Click here to read the Welsh ‘Voices of the Experts In Our Midst’ report.