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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

Giving Children a Chance: Reducing Child Mortality in Sierra Leone

THET's Communications Officer, Timur Bekir, visits Ola During Children's Hospital in Freetown to document the work of the Global Links project....

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Self-reported change in practice: a monitoring tool for health partnerships

THET's Emily Burn, shows how the introduction of a self-assessment tool is key in demonstrating the impact of health worker training....

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Mama en Pikin welbodi in Kambia District, Sierra Leone

THET's Communications Officer, Timur Bekir, visits Kambia District Hospital to document the work of two THET funded health partnerships....

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Preventing Malaria in Sierra Leone

The Kambia Appeal aims to send 30 long-term, UK health worker volunteers to Kambia to improve health outcomes and quality of healthcare delivery within Kambia District...

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A Health Systems Strengthening project between the Mildmay Mission Hospital and the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College delivers pioneering HIV services.

Main describes the life changing work the health partnership between Mildmay Mission Hospital & Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College do for those affected by HIV/AIDS...

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Reflections On Mental Health Care In Somaliland.

Dr Hughes reflects on the progress of the Kings, THET, Somaliland Project (KTPS) and its impact on mental health care in Somaliland....

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Maternal and Child Health: Breaking barriers in rural Uganda

THET's Edvige interviews Vincent on the benefits he received through a THET funded partnership training...

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Sending our professionals overseas is one of the best things the NHS can do

Sending NHS staff overseas is as vital to the NHS as 0.7 per cent aid contribution is to UK plc....

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Raising the Profile of Family Planning in Uganda

Clare Goodhart, reflects on the progress made in the partnership between the Royal College of General Practitioners and Bwindi Community Hospital, Uganda....

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Characterising partnerships and measuring their impacts, both intended and unintended

Lawrence Loh discusses highlights from a session he shared: “Networks for collaboration: partnership communities and volunteer contributions.”...

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A Life-line for Rural Communities: Training Community Health Workers in Somaliland

THET's Timur, describes his visit to a rural village in Somaliland to see how a newly trained group of Community Health Workers are improving healthcare for the local pop...

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Maximising the potential for further funding in Mozambique.

Sarah Cavanagh and Peter Donaldson, reflect on forging links with the Rotary Club to secure potential funding for the future...

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