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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

A multi-pronged offensive against NCDs in rural Ethiopia

Toby asseses a multi-pronged offensive against NCDs in rural Ethiopia,targeting poor health literacy, lack of trained & located health staff & the absence of diagnostics....

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Re-learning that ‘worn out tools’ are still the most reliable

Sarah Cavanagh explores the lessons to be learnt from spending time volunteering overseas with health partnerships....

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From a New Director-General to Women Leaders in Global Health: A Week at the World Health Assembly

Andrew Jones looks at THET's relations with the WHO for the last two and half years....

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NHS expertise, how to reach its full potential

Our Volunteer Engagement Manager talks about the recommendations of the recently published IDC report and what it might mean for the future of volunteering from the NHS....

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Voluntary Engagement in Global Health

Graeme Chisholm, gives his reaction to the publication of the new framework for voluntary engagement in global health by the UK health sector...

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Global Health: The Northern Irish Approach

Professor Nathan Congdon explores the global vision work being done in Northern Ireland...

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Together We Can Overcome – #LetsTalk Depression

The grief and grievances for those suffering from mental health problems are largely overlooked by both health and social sectors....

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Reflections on Medical Education in Africa

On the 8th June 2017, THET’s founder Professor Sir Eldryd Parry attended the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Triennial Meeting....

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Brexit: Self harm or a shot in the arm?

Ben Simms, THET’s CEO, gave a stirring keynote speech on the need to go beyond media headlines & act together to promote both a stronger NHS & a fortified global health....

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Ben says, "we already have a certain awareness of how gender influences who delivers health services and who benefits from them."...

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Addressing Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) in Uganda

Mental health nurse Emma Gilbert has spent nine months volunteering in Kampala, Uganda, within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAHM) project....

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Strengthening Global Mental Health partnerships – #LetsTalk Depression

Petty and Randy explain why sharing knowledge and practice across country borders is so crucial in the battle to improve mental health care....

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