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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

Global Surgery – The ‘neglected stepchild of global health’

Global surgery, the ‘neglected stepchild of global health’, remains a looming health crisis within low and middle income countries....

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The NHS shouldn’t despair: We are a beacon for healthcare worldwide

Despite its current well-publicised problems, the NHS in its 70th anniversary year remains a shining example to the world on how to build an equitable health system....

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NEW Discussion Paper – The Transition from Aid

The ‘Transition from Aid’ is part of THET’s Discussion Paper series, which address challenges within an ever-changing development landscape. ...

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Africa Grants Programme – New Grantees Announced

THET is pleased to announce that seven successful health partnerships have been awarded funding through the Johnson & Johnson Africa Grants Programme (AGP)...

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Stronger Health Partnerships for Stronger Health Systems: The future of health partnerships

At our 2017 Annual Conference Minister Burt gave a keynote speech reflecting on the achievements of the Health Partnership Scheme and the future of health partnerships....

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Highlights from our Country Programmes Teams

2017 has been a fantastic year for the Country Programmes teams. From a new office in Myanmar to a new Overseas Development Institute research programme in Tanzania....

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From healthworker shortfall to collective commitment. A week at the Human Resources for Health Forum in Dublin.

Over 1000 delegates from around the world met to reinforce a collective commitment to developing and making available the workforce required to deliver the SDGs....

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THET’s Response to the Dublin Declaration 2017

THET supports the spirit of the ‘Declaration on Human Resources for Health: Building the Health Workforce of the Future’ made at the HRH Forum 2017...

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Butabika – East London link wins inaugural International Health Partnership Award at 2017 HSJ Awards!

The East London NHS Foundation Trust and Butabika Hospital, Uganda Partnership has won the inaugural International Health Partnership at the 2017 HSJ Awards....

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Health Partnership Scheme – New Grantees Announced

THET is pleased to announce that twenty successful health partnerships have been awarded funding through the Health Partnership Scheme extension 2017-2018...

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‘A Year in the Tanzania Office’ – Godwin Kabalika, Country Director – THET Tanzania

In 2016, THET established an office in Dar es Salaam to deliver programmes and projects that support and focus on health workforce development. A year on we caught up wit...

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Highlights from THET Annual Conference 2017

3 days, 350 delegates and 98 speakers presenting on all things global health and partnerships: our 2017 Annual Conference provided insight into the power of global health...

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