News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team:
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28 March 2018
For over three years now I have been working for THET in Zambia on medical equipment and its maintenance....
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12 March 2018
At THET we were shocked and saddened to hear of the recent breaches in safeguarding and the misconduct of those working within the international development sector....
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7 March 2018
We are launching the #LetsTalkAboutGender movement, a call for evidence on how health partnerships are considering and contributing to accelerating gender equality....
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7 March 2018
On 7 March 2017, we made the commitment to become more conscious about how our work at THET is advancing gender equality....
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6 March 2018
Universal health coverage (UHC) cannot possibly be achieved without strengthening nursing globally...
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22 February 2018
Nurses and midwives make up almost half of the world’s health workforce and we are pleased to support the Nursing Now! Campaign working to strengthen the profession....
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31 January 2018
Collaborating on making strategic and sustainable improvements to access to safe surgical care....
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31 January 2018
Developing the capacity of surgeons to use laparoscopy techniques in Ghana will reduce morbidity and improve the quality of life of children with cancer....
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31 January 2018
Surgery and anaesthesia are essential components of UHC but in low-income and lower-middle income countries 9 out of 10 people are unable to access basic surgical care....
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31 January 2018
The WFSA and SASA are partnering with THET through the Africa Grants Programme to build essential anaesthesia skill in South Africa....
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31 January 2018
It is estimated that over 40 million people are in need of palliative care every year, 78% of whom are in low and middle income countries....
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31 January 2018
Surgery cuts across nearly all aspects of health including conditions such as obstructed labor and traumatic injuries....
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