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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

Mental health, an often neglected disability.

Mental health disorders are a significant, but often overlooked, disability....

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Improving healthcare for children born with clubfoot

More than 30,000 children in Africa are born with clubfoot each year....

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Five Questions With….Elizabeth Iro

We caught up with newly appointed Chief Nursing Officer at the WHO, Elizabeth Iro, to find our her thoughts on everything from current challenges to the WHA...

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2018 E-Bulletins

Each month in our e-bulletins we throw a 'THETSpotlight' on thematic issues, impact and inspirational health workers....

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The Logie Legacy: Scotland – Zambia Health Partnership

Cholera is alive, well and still a killer at large. ...

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Volunteer Management and Engagement Webinar


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Our 2018 WHA Round-Up

It was no surprise to see that universal health coverage (UHC) was the thread that ran through the Assembly’s proceedings and the many formal and informal side events....

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The Voluntary Nurses Saving Lives in Sierra Leone

One of the highlights of the trip was our visit to an RCPCH project which trains nurses in the delivery of ETAT+ training in paediatric triage and emergency care....

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The Royal College of Midwives: Journeys in midwifery twinning 2012-2018

The Global Midwifery Twinning Project (GMTP) was a three-year multi-country partnership in the THET Health Partnership Scheme from 2012 to 2015. ...

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Supporting Midwives to Improve the Care of Women and Babies

In order for women to receive the best possible care, midwives need to be adequately trained in evidence-based practice. ...

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“Community Health Workers (CHWs) will bridge the gap between the community and the formal health sector.”

In Tanzania, THET, in partnership with the Benjamin Mkapa HIV/AIDS Foundation and the Ministry of Health is working to train CHWs....

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THET Spotlight: World Health Day – UHC

More than half of the world’s more than 7.3 billion people do not receive the essential package of health services they need....

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